The LWML would like to send a huge thank you to
Jay Stenhouse for leading our successful painting
party and to those who generously took part in the
fun. Thank you also to everyone who helped by
supplying food and/or cleaning up afterwards. We
had 23 painters, along with several observers.
$470 was raised to benefit the mission of the
LWML. Eighty percent ($376) will be sent to the
Northern Illinois District to support the mission
grants, and the remainder will be kept locally for
future endeavors. As always, the LWML is
collecting mites. If you need a new box to collect
your spare change, grab one in the front entryway.
This month’s Mission Grant is “Christ for
Veterans and Their Families”. This grant is
being filled at the national level of the LWML.
LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces (MAF) is
requesting funds to host national training
events for Operation Barnabas, an extension of
MAF. Operation Barnabas, the only program of
its kind in the U.S., together with LCMS
congregations seeks to care for Reserve
Chaplains and their families and congregations;
train and assist local congregations in their
care and support of local military members and
their families and veterans.